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Stud Force

Criscross supports small business. Please support your local feed store.
There are several things a person who wants one of our puppies must understand. First, every breeding that is done is to produce a dog that will remain with Criscross. We breed for no other reason. Occasionaly, there will be puppies offered to serious show homes. Those show homes must demonstrate that they have the fortititude to finish a Miniature, if that is the direction they desire. A Standard Show prospect purchaser must understand that a puppy will go through many changes..some horrible and the purchaser must wait to enter that dog in the ring. We do not reccomend starting a Standard dachshund that is less than a year old. However, we certainly will help in the direction of any puppy purchased from us.
Pet puppies are sold with the understanding that one is purchasing a dog that probably looks like no other pet dachshund that they have ever seen. With the exception of a kinked tail or off bite, Criscross puppies are beautiful. They meet the Standard but, for whatever reason are deemed non show.
All puppies are sold with the understanding that we are dealing with live beings. Very few do I sell out as " show prospects" If you are interested in a "show prospect" , then I expect that you understand the nuances of showing a miniature dachshund. And, in reality are buying the pedigree.  Unlike a car that is a manufactured offering, things happen.  Puppies can have diarhea, get sick easily..or just plain don't do well with some folks. Especially if an over zealous vet is involved. I expect my puppy buyers to listen to years of experience that I have to offer. The Internet is full of misinformation  by instant experts who can talk a good line. But the reality of it is, experience matters. Yes, we will take a dog back at any time for any reasonAny puppy born here has the guarantee of a forever home with Criscross..we would hope that anyone purchasing a puppy realizes that it is a LIFETIME commitment. This puppy is a live being and deserves a home that is commited to it's lifetime. New carpet, new furniture, and new babies are poor excuses to return a dog. That dog is a part of the family and is very confused when torn out of it's home. Please, unless it is a lifetime commitment with you, do not contact us if you do not understand this.
We do and have reserved the right to refuse to sell a dog to a home that we determine to be not in the best interest of the puppy. 
If you have any other questions or comments, please contact us.
In Friendship,
Cris Natali

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